Please support the Vegetable Project by buying seeds from us from now until Friday, March 21. Please click here for a printable list of our offerings, invite a few friends to take a look with you and push those winter blues away with visions of warm spring breezes that are just around the corner. Then, prepare your order with this fillable spreadsheet, save the spreadsheet and get it to us.
We will need order forms and payment before we can include you in our master order, which you can get to us digitally, by U.S, mail or by dropping off at the Albany High School or Myers Middle School main offices in an envelope marked Vegetable Project.
Do it digitally by telling us in email – to [email protected]– what you would like to buy and then make a payment by clicking here. You’ll see a space to leave a note; please say “seed order” there.
Or mail order forms with checks payable to Vegetable Project to 10 North Pine Avenue, Albany, NY 12203.
Happy gardening. And please help us spread word about this great offer.