What exactly drives us to build gardens at Albany schools and then lead kids out to them? Why would we bother with those time-consuming fundraising initiatives, like Boxtops for Education, and those time-consuming chores in the garden, like weeding and watering? What is the big deal about growing some of our own lettuce and tomatoes, when it’s so cheap in the supermarket?
Why do we work so hard to get kids outside? Isn’t it so much more peaceful when they just tap away at the phones?
Why build an outdoor classroom at Myers Middle School (and then, we hope, at another Albany school and then another and another)? And just what is an outdoor classroom anyway?
We have not come up with a single neat answer for any of these questions. But we do take a shot at answering them now and then. Please take a look.
Why a garden? Why the Vegetable Project?, May 9, 2016
Why a garden? Why the Vegetable Project (#2)?, Aug. 23, 2017
Why a garden? Why the Vegetable Project (#3)?, Feb. 19, 2018
Why a garden? Why the Vegetable Project (#4)?, April 26, 2018
Why a garden? Why the Vegetable Project (#5)?, Aug. 8, 2019
Why a garden? Why the Vegetable Project (#6), Jan. 1, 2020
Why do we work so hard to get kids outside?, Nov. 18, 2017
Why do we work so hard to get kids outside (#2)?, Jan. 5, 2018
Why do we work so hard to get kids outside (#3), Dec. 5, 2020
Why build outdoor classroom at Albany school?, Nov. 3, 2017
Why build outdoor classroom at Albany school?, Oct. 7, 2018
Explain that again: What is an outdoor classroom?, Aug. 12, 2017