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Opportunities abound for getting hands dirty

The past week was an exciting one for Albany schools folks who see great learning opportunities in getting hands dirty. And it is a pleasure to know some of the people at a couple of the schools and have a chance to compare notes with them.

You may have read in the Times Union  a couple of days ago about a wonderful vegetable garden project at Arbor Hill Elementary School that is led by Yusef Continue reading

Starting seeds in classrooms on the way

March mache

Mache started in our greenhouse in October is undaunted by many sub-zero nights this winter.

We are proud partners in an event this weekend that offers an opportunity to build more school relationships. We are hosting and participating in a workshop on Saturday for teachers in the Albany district and teaching students at the College of Saint Rose. The workshop, presented by Project Learning Tree, which supports environmental education nationwide, will focus on school gardening.

We will show folks around the space that we tend and talk about challenges and Continue reading